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Les Chroniques De Volarela 

CrossQuest Studio - Anzin


Freelance Mission - 2018 


Unity3D - C#


Tool Design - Team of 3



Les Chroniques de Volarela is a point'n'click educational game that targets 8 to 12 years-old players. On this game the player incarnates a detective in a fantastic world composed of floating islands, and it must use physical objects provided with the game to solve puzzles. 

I first worked a little bit on the first prototype of the game in the summer of 2017. Then the studio contacted me back for a longer mission in the summer 2018. That project was my first freelance job


What I Did

My mission on this project was to create tools in order to improve the workflow of the game and narrative designers. 

I designed a system of switches, easily implementable to know when the player solves a puzzle.

I designed a tool to implement objects, characters and objectives. I made it less needy in integration. In that way the designers had just to create new items on that menu and they will be automatically added to the game, linked to the inventory. 

And I created a dialogue editor to fulfill their needs on narration implementation :  it has a tree based structure. It could handle multiple choices questions and questions with blanks to fill. You can set up which character is talking with which emotion. 


What I Learned

I Learned to work as a freelancer and from my home. To manage my workflow and my schedule and to respect deadlines.  I Also learned how to manage the french administration being a freelancer. I also improved my skills on Unity Editor script mainly with the EditorWindows workflow.


More about This Project : 

Website (french only):

Tool Description (French Only, English Soon) :



The Dialogue in the game


Example of a dialogue on my editor


Example of a character

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